First Aid for Divers March 2019
BSAC First Aid for Divers SDC

Another very enjoyable course run by Chris Woods this weekend with the help of Garry Bolland. The practicals in this course are always fun and those from this course were no exception. Plenty of practice tending to a variety of symptoms using anything to hand.
Great turn out again for this SDC, with lots of members having their first go as well as plenty returning as a refresher.

The BSAC First Aid for Divers SDC is a one-day course that teaches the basics of non-resuscitation first aid likely to be needed in the diving environment. There is lots of practice on the course giving you the confidence to give first aid in a real emergency. It includes making use of the resources likely to be available at the time including improvisation of dressings and splints using materials and equipment commonly found at the dive site or in a boat.
If you already have first aid training, this course is a quick and easy way to ‘practice, practice, practice’ your skills, while learning the best way to apply them in diving.

Contact Chris Woods for details on further courses.