Day Out For Branch 5 at North West Emergency Recompression Unit
20 Plus members of Merseyside Sub Aqua Club Branch 5 got the chance to spend a couple of hours with the North West Emergency Training Team at their Centre in Birkenhead. Members firstly received a very informative presentation from Dave about the effects diving and Decompression Illness (DCI) can have on the body and what we can do as responsible divers to try and limit our chances of ever ending up in their chamber for real.
After the presentation we all had the chance to get into the chamber and experience a dry dive down to 40 metres. We took some puzzles with us to see how our brain reacts to the effects of Nitrogen Narcosis and took in some balloons so see how our lungs cope with the pressure and how our voice changes at depth.
It was a fantastic day out for Merseydivers and everyone who attended highly recommended every diver should take the opportunity to attend.