Annual Dinner 2018
– BSAC Merseyside Branch 5 Annual Dinner –
– Saturday 17th November 2018 –
This years Branch 5 annual dinner, held at Birkenhead Park Rugby Club, was the best attended in many years. Over one hundred members, family and friends enjoyed a fantastic meal and a great evening of awards, raffle prises and entertainment, including an amazing set from the ‘Forty Thieves’ which had nearly everyone up and dancing until late.
The evening raised an estimated £1,500 for the club so a big thanks to Alan Jones, Vince Clegg, Dave Edwards and Robbie Edwards for organising such a memorable evening.
Vince has created a dvd of pictures from the evening which can be purchased from Dave or John behind the bar. These will cost £6 and will come with one or two 8x6in prints, all money going to the club funds.

Kate Mills, Kelly Baird and Jonathan Sharp receiving their club certificates