News Letter January 2020

Chairman’s Letter – January 2020

Here we are again at the beginning of yet another diving year, which in my case is gathering pace towards the 50 year mark.  This letter is really to signpost some of the events and diving holidays that are now firmly on the horizon.  Whilst I may have mentioned some of the forthcoming Skill Development Courses, please be aware that I did not keep a note of the people who responded, thus no places have been reserved.

Skill Development Courses

Rescue Management SDC – Theory session Thursday, 19th March at the club to be followed by the practical session on Saturday, 21st March 2020 at Capernwray.  This really is a must for those wishing to become Dive Leaders and Advanced Divers.

Boat Handling SDC – Over the weekend of the 25/26th April 2020, the Saturday being a theory day at the club, followed by the practical session the following morning.

Diver/Cox Assessment – Saturday, 16th May 2020  for those wishing to prove they really can handle the club boats, but be aware that this is an assessment and not a training session.

Diving Trips – Just as a ‘taster’ these are just some of the away trips that I am involved with:-

19th March 2020 – For your information I am going with Blue 02 on a week’s live aboard to dive the far South of the Red Sea down towards The Sudan, which will include such delights as St John’s, Fury Shoals and the Elphenstone, all of which are renowned for the big fish.  The cost is £1,000 or there abouts and anybody is welcome to join myself and a mate.

Commencing on Saturday, 28th June 2020 for three consecutive weeks Tony Fitzpatrick is planning to take over Fleet Divers at Rosas on the Costa Brava.  At the time of writing there are only a few places remaining on the first and third weeks.  I must say, this is a must for anybody who wants a cheap diving holiday in the sun as it comes in at £300 for diving, accommodation and transfers.  Bottle fills and boat fuel are extras as are the flights to Gerona.

Scapa Flow – As most of you are aware, the club has charted a live aboard for two consecutive weeks commencing on the 5th and 12th September 2020.  This trip is fully booked, however, if you would like to be a ‘reserve’ do let me know.  In addition, there will be a meeting of all runners and riders at the club house at 9.0pm on Thursday, 23rd January 2020 to sort out transport and discuss the general logistics of the trip.

Late, Late Diving Bash Malta 2020 – I am planning on running a long weekend diving with Divewise/Techwise departing Wednesday evening 30th September and returning Monday lunchtime the 5th October.  While five of the Techie boys have expressed interest, this is not limited to the ‘Darkside’ as there will be plenty of recreational diving available for those of Ocean Diver status and above.  The important thing is to have four great days diving and plenty of ‘crack’ at the end of what should be an exciting year.

Returning to more mundane matters, but following a recent incident, can I remind everybody yet again that the club’s Facebook site is provided as a forum for the exchange of information, not as a mechanism for ‘slagging’ people off.  You should be aware that the committee will take punitive action and remove such posts and suspend the individual involved from the group.

In passing, following on from the AGM Vince Clegg and Monty Smith are currently working on revising the Club Constitution to make it more fit for purpose to meet our current needs. Moreover, with regard to the refurbishment of the club house Nigel Thomas and I have got a meeting with the Council later this week and as soon as there are any definite developments I will let you know.

Finally, can I take this opportunity to wish all our members a very happy (and safe diving) New Year.  Remember folks, dive fitness does not begin in June so do get your slippery backsides up to the quarries and hone those skills.

Best regards
Alan Jones

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